• Media is basically used to manage categories, photos, audio, videos, andliterature.
  • List of items included in media:
    1. Category
    2. Photo
    3. Audio
    4. Video
    5. Literature


  • See as per below screen shot there are category list shown.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen “add category”, after clickingthis button it redirects to add category page.
  • In this page there are three filters in the page.
    • Active/inactive filter:- It’s filtered by active status list column.
    • Select category filter:- It’s Search filter by category.
    • Text input filter:- It’s Search filter with text input by categorytitle.
  • We display order functionality in the category list.
    • You can change the display order of the category using the up anddown arrow.
  • We can add a category type column for identifying the category type.
  • In the list we can active/inactive the category list, & also there is an edit icon which redirects to edit category page & also there is functionality available which can delete multiple categories.
  • After clicking on the “Add Category” button, it looks like the screen below.
  • See on the above screen, it has select category type, title, category photo, seo information, display order and active/inactive status to add category.
  • When we add a new title, it generates the link with the alias from the title.
  • You can change the alias on clicking the edit button.
  • For editing alias, click on edit button. So, it displays one text box for edit/update alias and also When we click on the “Regenerate” button then the regenerated alias is seen in the title.
  • We have added an “Auto Generate” button to automatically add meta
    title, meta keyword, and meta description.
  • After filling all the data, click on the “Save & Exit” button. So, a new
    category has been created successfully.


  • See as per below screenshot there are photo list shown.
  • In this page there are two filters for lists.
    • Active/inactive filter:- it’s filtered by the active status list column.
    • Text input filter:- It’s Search filter with text input by category title.
  • In this list, we can active/inactive the photo from the list. So, as per the status photo will be displayed on the front side.
  • In the “Add/ View Photo” column, when we click on the link then it grt redirected to add photo page.
  • After clicking the “Add / View Photo” link, screen looks like below.
  • See this above screen has a photo title, date, select files for adding photo gallery.
  • At the time of file uploading, we can select multiple photos by pressing CTRL key and more than 10 photos are not allowed.
  • After filling all the data click the “Save” button so the new photo gallery will be created successfully.
  • See on the above screen, the photo gallery list is there. We can change title, publish date, and display order.
  • In this page there are two filters for the list.
    • Active/inactive filter:- It filters by active status in the list of column.
    • Text input filter:- It’s filter search with text input by photo title.
  • Also in above photo there are three options available:
    • Save Gallery: It’s used for save title, publish date, and display order of photo gallery.
    • Publish / Unpublish Gallery: It is used for publish / Unpublish photo gallery.
    • Delete Gallery: It’s used to delete photo gallery.
  • When clicking on a photo, a fancy box is opened and displays the photo.


  • See as per below screenshot there is an audio list shown with title.
  • In the top right corner of the screen there is “Add Audio”, after clicking
    this button it redirects to add audio page.
  • In this page there are three filters for lists.
    • Active/inactive filter:- it’s filter by the active status list column.
    • Select category filter:- It’s Search filter by audio category.
    • Text input filter:- It’s Search filter with text input by audio title.
  • We display order functionality in audio list.
    • We can change the display order of audio using up and down arrow.
  • We can add an audio name in column to identify the category of audio.
  • In the list, we can active /inactive the audio list, edit icon which redirects to edit audio page and also multiple delete functionality of audio list is also available.
  • After clicking the “Add Audio” button, the screen looks like below.
  • See this above screen, there is a select category type, title, audio image, audio upload, display order, and active/inactive status to add audio.
  • Audio upload must be mp3 format only.
  • After filling all the data click on the “Save & Exit” button.
  • New audio has been created successfully.


  • See as per below screenshot there are video lists shown with title.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen there is “add video” button, after clicking this button it redirects to add video page.
  • In this page there are three filters for lists.
    • Active/inactive filter:- it’s filter by active status list column.
    • Select category filter:- It’s Search filter by video category.
    • Text input filter:- It’s Search filter with text input by video title.
  • We display order functionality in the video list.
    • We can change the display order of video using up and down arrow.
  • We can add a video name column to identify the category of video.
  • In the list we can active /inactive the video from list, edit icon which redirects to edit video page & also it has functionality of deleting multiple videos.
  • After clicking the “Add Video” button, screen looks like below.
  • See this above screen, it has a select category type, title, video link, video date, display order, and active/inactive status to add video.
  • In the Video Provider, there are two options available.
    • YouTube
    • Vimeo
  • After filling, all the data click on the “Save & Exit” button. So, a new video has been created successfully.


  • See as per below given screenshot there is a literature list shown with title.
  • See as per above screen shot there is a literature list shown with title.
  • In upper right corner of the screen there is “add literature” after clicking these button redirect to add literature page.
  • In this page there are three filters for lists.
    • Active/inactive filter:- it filters by active status list column.
    • Select category filter:- In Search it filters by literature category.
    • Text input filter:- It’s Search filter with text input by literature title.
  • We display order functionality in the literature list.
    • We can change the display order of literature using up and down arrow.
  • We can add a video name column to identify the category of literature.
  • In the list we can active/inactive the literature list, edit icon which redirects to edit literature page also it has functionality of deleting multiple Literature.
  • After clicking the “Add Literature” button, the screen looks like below.
  • See this above screen has select category type, title, select literature file/content, literature image, display order, and active/inactive status to add literature.
  • After filling all the data click on the “Save & Exit” button. so, new literature has been created successfully.