Media Category List

  • This screen is used to display the media category list such as Photo, Video, Audio and Literature.

Media Album List

Photo Album List

  • Photo album lists displayed with the cover image if available for album. We can shows the all photos by choosing a particular photo album.
  • The IntroSlider screen has two parts, one has a notification settings screen and in the second part it will ask to check privacy policy.
  • The first part of the screen which is used for the notification settings screen will open on the click of Settings from the navigation drawer menu.

Video List

  • There are multiple video album lists displayed with cover image if it is available for album.
  • After clicking on any of the video album all the videos of the selected album will be shown.
  • All the videos of the Worship album will be shown.
  • You can view this video by clicking on the cover image.
  • You have also share these videos on social media click on social media icons and share the video on social platform.

Audio List

  • Audio album lists are displayed with cover image if available for album.
  • All audio are displayed with play icon and audio image.
  • To play the particular audio, click on the play icon.

Literarure List

  • For the Literature album, there are multiple literature album lists are displayed.
  • Literature album lists are displayed with cover image if available for literature album.
  • After clicking on any of the literature album all the literature of the selected album will be shown.
  • To view the full literature content click on the “Read More” button of literature listing page.
  • On the literature details page, we can read the whole content with image.
  • For literature file, we can download any of the literature file by just click on the “Download” button.