• Campaign List will be shown as per above screenshot.
  • At the top right corner of the screen there is “Add Donation Campaign”when you click on this it will redirect to the add campaign page.
  • In this page there are two filters for lists.
    • Active/inactive filter:- It will sort the campaign list by active status if you have selected the active one and same for inactive one.
    • Text input filter:- It will search by Campaign title.
    • There is display order functionality as well in this you can change the display order of the campaign by incrementing and  ecrementing (i.e by clicking up and down arrow) and according to the display order set campaign will be shown in front.
  • We have added one important feature i.e. Duplicate From Campaign
    • You can create duplicate of any campaign. when you click on the icon at that time a duplicate of that campaign gets created with the same data.
    • In the grid we have also shown different features i.e. active/inactivethe campaign, edit icon which redirects to the campaign page afterediting the campaign then click on save, changes gets saved and also delete campaign option.
    • The campaign who has done the donations can’t get deleted from the grid.

Add Campaign page will be shown as per above screenshot.

  • Add campaign page will get displayed in four steps i.e. general information,

campaign amount, advance setup,and SEO.

General Information:

    1. Campaign Title: What would be the title of your campaign.
    2. Campaign Image Upload (Optional): Upload and image of thecampaign with recommended sizes and format.
    3. Campaign Short Code (Optional): This is an optional field, you canleave this field empty then automatically it will get generatedwhen you submit the campaign. You can also change the shortcode on edit campaign page. Short code will used for “Text-ToGive” donation.
    4. Display Order: According to the display order Campaign will beshown in front.
    5. Status: active/inactive status

And then click on Save & Next and second tab will get open

Campaign Amount:

  • Enter the amount and description and if you want to show this addedamount and description to admin only then tick mark the checkbox forAdmin only. Also you can add multiple amount by clicking on the Add More option.
  • You can also remove the added amount click on Remove.
  • After then click on the “save & next” button and third tab will get open.

Advance Setup:

  1. Enable custom amount :- This is basically used for custom amountwhen payment for the donation has been done. If the checkbox ischecked then custom amount text will be shown otherwise not.
  2. Interval of donation :- This is basically used for selecting Interval of donations. Are yougoing to donate every day, weekly, monthly or annually for listing in recurring payment option. If any of the checkbox is not selected then it will not get listed in the recurring payment option.After selecting the interval checkbox drop down will get open and you have to enter the minimum and maximum amount of donation for that particular interval and it will get deducted from your account automatically on the basis of the interval selected.
  3. Extra form fields:
    • Select Where you want to display this campaign ,
    • And other fields added like a particular date, leave a comment,check an anonymous which is used for the donation page.
  • After these click on the “save & next” button fourth tab will get open


  • There are three inputs: meta title, meta keyword and meta descriptions they all are related to SEO.