Add Member

  • Click on the “Add member”? button you will get redirected to the add
    member page.
  • Fill up all the details and then click on the Save & Exit button and you will
    be directed to the grid.
  • And if you want to add a family member then click on Save and Add Family
    member and fill up all the details and then click on Save &Exit. Family
    members’ details will get updated and it will be directed to the grid.
  • To add family members there are two options 1) Add Family member 2)
    Add an existing member(Refer to the above screenshot) if you want to
    add a new member then select Add member and fill up all the details
    and then click on Save &Exit.
  • If you want to add existing members then click on Add on Existing
    member and fill up all details and then click on Save & Exit.
  • Members will get added to the members list.